Paradise Valley Unified School District
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1. Are you a precinct committeeman? If yes, for how long?
Yes, was appointed November 2021 in LD3
2. Tell us a bit about yourself. What made you run for school board?
I am a woman of God, a wife, a mother, and a business professional. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God has a plan for each of us and I believe that part of that plan is to use our gifts and talents to help others. As a mom who has volunteered in the PV district since 2015, I have been active in PTO, room parent, school event photographer & videographer, edited yearbook pages, chaperoned field trips, and a prayer leader for kids and teachers in PV schools.
I am running for PVUSD school board for 3 reasons:
1. To Increase Academic Performance: Arizona ranks among the lowest states in terms of performance and the PVUSD students are testing well below grade level in Math, ELA and Science. I want to put the focus back on academics and put dollars directly into the classrooms to support our students and teachers including increasing teacher salaries in our district.
2. To Remove Politics from the Classroom: Politically divisive, academically discredited materials such as the New York times 1619 project has been adopted in over 3,500 classrooms across all 50 states. I want to ensure that our PVUSD schools do not avoid tough discussions like slavery but also tell the truth about our founding fathers and this nation.
3. To Preserve Parent's Rights: For a child to success in school, parents and educators must partner together. As a parent, I understand that parents must be allowed to direct the upbringing, education, health care and mental health of their children.
3. Do you support sexual education of children in the classroom? At what age do you believe this is appropriate, and do you believe that a parent should have the opportunity to opt out?
I personally have opted my child out and support a parent's right to do so. Middle school is a good age for schools to have sex ed, however the curriculum should be fully transparent.
4. Do you support the idea of parents being the sole stakeholders in their children’s lives?
I support the Arizona Parents Bill of Rights (A.R.S. 1-602). As a parent, I understand that we must be allowed to direct the upbringing, education, health and mental health of our children.
5. What is your position on critical race theory, social-emotional learning, LGBTQ inclusion, and equity issues in the classroom? What do you know of Bloom365 and Corwin Press and what are your opinions?
I am a Latina and first generation college grad. My parents taught me to work hard and treat others with respect and we did not focus on race growing up. I believe that politically divisive materials that focus on race and push a vision of America that casts our history, culture, traditions, and founding documents in the most negative possible light have no place in our schools. I personally want to put and end to racist/biased programs that focus on gender or equity and treat all students and educators with respect and equality. Bloom365, SEL, Whole Child and other programs seem benevolent but keep pushing these radical ideologies and we need them gone from classrooms. I want schools to focus on academics!
6. Based on the limitations and powers of a school board member, what’s your platform?
1) Focus on Academics
2) Remove politics from the classroom
3) Preserve parental rights.
7. What do you believe to be the biggest issue impacting K-12 students in Arizona?
Our children are illiterate and cannot do simple math. The curricula in many cases have been "dumbed down" and radicalized pushing political agendas. The focus on sexualizing, indoctrinating, and making social justice warriors of our children must end.
8. How do you think the state should support public education? Do you believe in expanding school vouchers?
I support the current ESAs (which are scholarships not vouchers.) Empowerment Scholarship Accounts follow the child and unlike vouchers that go from government to a private institution, backpack funding allows the parents will have more control of their child's education.
9. Do you have a plan to fund renovations of schools in your area that are run down?
We need be fiscally responsible and look at all options including sale of underutilized or run down facilities.
10. Do you have a plan to address the shortage of teachers?
In our district, we are losing students so some of the teachers are being let go or transferred to other locations due to declining enrollment. We need to run our schools like businesses and figure out what current resources we have and what we need to run our schools effectively. Recruiting and retaining quality teachers is a must, however many districts have individuals that are in administrative positions that may have taught in the past. During a shortage perhaps those individuals can help teach classes to lighten the load of the other teachers. We need to look at the admin to teacher ratio and ensure the dollars our tax payers are providing go mainly to the classrooms. I like the "pay teachers first" plan that Matt Gress is proposing. His plan is to use future surplus of revenue from individuals coming to AZ from other states to raise salaries across the board by 10k, by passing the admin. This is not a long term solution but will help with immediate teacher retention issues.
11. Do you support allowing retired military or police officers, who pass background checks, to work or volunteer in our schools to prevent mass shootings?
12. Please feel free to add any additional information you would like voters to know about your candidacy.
I am a parent and have volunteered in the PVUS district since 2015. I have been active in PTO, was a room parent, school event photographer & videographer, chaperone, and a prayer leader for kids and teachers in PV schools. I am pro-student, pro-teacher, and pro-parent and believe educators and parents must partner to help the student reach their academic goals. I will not tolerate the hyper-sexualization of our children in schools because adults must protect and educate children, not sexualize, or indoctrinate them.