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Litchfield Elementary School District, No. 79

Voting without knowing what's on your ballot is like lighting your money on fire.

What is the upcoming election about?

The Litchfield Elementary School District is asking to sell $100 Million dollars in bonds. If passed, the Bonds will be paid back by tax payers for 15 years.

What are the significant dates for the election?

- If you aren't already registered to vote, the last day to register in order to be eligible to vote in this election is Tuesday, October 10th, 2023.

- Ballots will be mailed on October 11, 2023. The last day to request early ballot October 27 

- VOTED BALLOTS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 7 p.m., November 7th. MAIL ballots by October 31st.

Who can vote in this election?

All registered voters that reside in the Litchfield Elementary School District will receive a ballot by mail with voting instructions in the envelope.

What policies did Litchfield Elementary School District implement with my tax dollars?

- Implemented an Equity Plan titled "Transformational Work Equity" that introduces race-based trainings for all staff, race-based disciplinary actions, race-based curriculums, and race-based hiring practices. - SOURCE 

- Has Equity Statement. It says, “We subscribe to author Ibram X. Kendi’s definition: ‘One either allows racial inequities to persevere, as racist, or confronts racial inequities, as an antiracist. There is no in-between safe space of not racist.'” Ibram X has a book dedicated to Critical Race Theory - SOURCE 

- Equity teaches people and children that there is systemic racism, they are entitled to reparations and more because of the color of their skin. - SOURCE 

- Critical Race Theory teaches that systemic racism is part of American society - from education and housing to employment and healthcare. - SOURCE 

- Dedicated to teaching and implementing Social Emotional Learning. - SOURCE 

- CASEL, a leading organization for implementing SEL in schools, displays on their website a poster to illustrate what Social Emotional Learning is. “Social and emotional learning (SEL) is a process through which children and adults develop the fundamental skills for life effectiveness. We need SEL skills for ourselves, our relationships, and our work. In OUSD, we believe that strengthening these skills enhances our ability to effectively and ethically connect across race, class, culture, language, gender identity, sexual orientation, learning needs, and age.” - SOURCE 

- SEL uses emotional responses to generate student attention to drive learning. - SOURCE

Aren’t Litchfield Elementary School District schools doing a good job?

- 50% of students are proficient or highly proficient at English Language Arts 

- 44% of students are proficient or highly proficient at Math

Aren’t Litchfield Elementary School District Teachers underpaid?

Litchfield Elementary pays an average annual salary of $66,114 to teachers. The average annual salary in Litchfield Park is $57,000.

What are taxpayers in the Litchfield Elementary School District being asked?

Voters will be asked to say yes or no on one measure: 

- The sale of $100 million in new bonds

What are the current tax rates for the bond?

- It is estimated that the Bonds would require an estimated average annual secondary tax rate increase of $0.41 per $100 of net assessed limited property value over the estimated 15-year life of the bond program. 

- Shows up on your tax bill as secondary property tax. 

- Property taxes combined add up to thousands of dollars! 

- To view your current property tax liability, visit

Is Litchfield Elementary School District underfunded?

Litchfield Elementary spends $$10,198 per student per year.

If the bond fails, how will my taxes be affected?

Once any outstanding Bonds and Overrides are repaid, you won't have to continue paying Secondary property taxes related to the bond. 

How has more funding impacted Litchfield Elementary School District?

Comparing to the 2018-2019 School Year Performance to the 2021-2022 School Year Performance 

- Decrease in Enrollment of 710 Students [Over 6% Drop] 

- Drop Out Rate Skyrocketed nearly 10 Times from 0.13% to 1.24% - 13% Drop in Math Proficiency 

- 6% Drop in English Proficiency 

- Total Students with Chronic Absenteeism Slightly Dropped 1,699 to 1,687 

- Total Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied Increased from 14 to 94 [An Instance More Frequent than Every Other Day Based on a 180 Day Arizonan School Year] 

- Reported Instances of Violence Remained the Same at 0

School officials claim this is a just a continuation and there will be no new taxes. Is this accurate?

- Once any outstanding Bonds and Overrides are repaid, you won't have to continue paying Secondary property taxes related to the bond. 

- If the measure passes, the current Secondary tax rates will remain the same; however; 

- If the measure passes, the total amount of taxes paid will likely go higher if there is continued inflation related to property values.

What is a bond election?

It is a vote by the public to allow the School District to issue more debt for projects. The $100 million in bonds is NOT a continuation and is a separate item on the property tax statement.

What does Litchfield Elementary School District intend to use the additional funds for?

- $48 Million to Construct New School #17 

- Various schools at or nearing capacity of max students 

- $40 Million for School Upgrades & Renovations 

- Provide for building modernization, repairs & upgrades 

- $7 Million for School Safety & Security 

- Implement new & uparade current satety measures 

- $5 Million for Technology & Student Transportation 

- Upgrade classroom equipment & continue safe and reliable transportation for students with school buses and other student transportation venicles

I’m renting. Why should I care about this election?

- If the bond measure is defeated, your landlord’s taxes will go down and could mitigate future rent increases. 

- Irrespective of being a property owner, we all want to see the kids receive a quality education. 

- To view your current property tax liability, visit

The information above may have been compiled from the following additional sources:

Please Note: takes no position for or against the items on your ballot. Vote your conscience.

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