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1. Tell us a bit about yourself. What made you run for the Central Arizona Water Conservation District?
I felt compelled to run for the board because I believe it needs to abide by more fiscally conservative principles, ie.
1. Charging end-users the actual cost of the water that has been delivered to them as opposed to subsidizing the majority of the cost through property taxes
2. The board is tasked with financial oversight for the CAP system and I feel that many current and prospective board members have a conflict of interest with their occupations. I do not believe that anyone who is employed in an industry that can be directly affected/benefitted by decisions made by CAP board should serve.
2. The federal government has implemented a cut on the supply from the Colorado River. What is your plan to increase the water supply to Central Arizona?
As a member of the CAP board, we cannot increase the amount of water we receive from the Colorado river - we are at the mercy of the Department of Interior and Bureau of Reclamation. However, we are able to utilize CAP resources to increase the efficiency of the water that we do have. One way this can be achieved is by working with the farmers using CAP water to shift from flood irrigation to drip tape or sprinkler system/pivot.
3. There is a commitment of six years to serve on this board, and it is an uncompensated position. How much time are you able to allocate per month to this position?
I will be able to give this position whatever time it requires.
4. This position deals with contracts, bonds creation and implementation, and levying taxes. What are your credentials that will allow you to take on this duty?
I have been a successful small business owner for over 25 years. I am not an attorney, or a politician for that matter - but I deal with contracts routinely and have strong conservative financial values that will guide my decisions with the Board.
5. Please feel free to add any additional information you would like voters to know about your candidacy.
Did not answer.