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Seago provides voter education and does not endorse candidates.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself. What made you run for the Central Arizona Water Conservation District? 

I was born and raised in Missouri and moved to Gilbert, Arizona in 2005. I am a wife, mother and grandmother. I became a Precinct Committeeman in 2021 because I decided it was time to get involved. It was at one of my Legislative District meetings that a current CAWCD board member said that we needed people to run, people who would pledge to represent the taxpayers before other interests. I thought about it for a while and decided to step up, someone has to. Water is too important in Arizona for us to let outside groups have too much influence on the CAWCD board. 

2. The federal government has implemented a cut on the supply from the Colorado River. What is your plan to increase the water supply to Central Arizona? 

Some ideas I have heard of are rain harvesting, desalination, and helping farmers to implement methods to make their water use more efficient. There is a cost to implementation of any of these so studies would be needed to decide what is most feasible and affordable and gives the most bang for our buck. 

3. There is a commitment of six years to serve on this board, and it is an uncompensated position. How much time are you able to allocate per month to this position? 

I am willing to allocate whatever is required. I do work full time but am willing to take time off from work as needed. My children are all grown so I can devote some evenings and weekends to performing the duties of this position. 

4. This position deals with contracts, bonds creation and implementation, and levying taxes. What are your credentials that will allow you to take on this duty? 

I was on my HOA board for several years fulfilling all roles: secretary, treasurer, vice president and president. We didn't levy taxes but did have to decide on budgets and annual dues. We also had to make decisions about neighborhood maintenance, which contractor bids to select and when to do the work based on all priorities. I have a background in software engineering and am currently a programmer/analyst where I deal with many different types of technical issues daily. I believe this experience will allow me to succeed on the CAWCD board. 

5. Please feel free to add any additional information you would like voters to know about your candidacy. 

I have never run for office before but thought I would try to help if I could. I have no plans to run for any other office in the future so getting on this board is not just a steppingstone for some other office.


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