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1. Tell us a bit about yourself. What made you run for the Central Arizona Water Conservation District?
I am a Native Arizonan, having lived in Maricopa County my entire life. For the last 10 years I have been working as a conservative in education because I am passionate about Arizona’s future. This is also true when it comes to the responsible management of our most precious resource, water. This is why I decided to run for the CAWCD Board of Directors. This office was created to have publicly elected officials who represent the tax payers. I wish to fulfill this civic duty and serve the interest of the people of Maricopa County. In doing so, I pledge to only represent the tax payer and to protect our allocation of the Colorado River water.
2. The federal government has implemented a cut on the supply from the Colorado River. What is your plan to increase the water supply to Central Arizona?
One of the greatest challenges to our water supply from the Colorado River system is Arizona’s “junior” priority status among the Basin States in the Colorado River Compact. Arizona is tasked with taking the first cuts in allocations in time of shortage, just as we are currently facing. As we work to conserve water and take cuts, the other Basin States do not have the same burdens. Arizona has shown its commitment to alleviating this crisis. In fact, CAP General Manager Ted Cooke recently stated, “Since 2014, Arizona has left more than 2.5 MAF, equating to approximately 37 feet of increased elevation in Lake Mead”. It is time for the Colorado River Compact to be amended to reflect our efforts, resulting in an agreement where allocations and cuts are balanced among the Basin States. Amending the compact is a start to increasing supply. However, the CAWCD Board will need to work collaboratively with other water providers as well as state and federal departments to develop a plan that is both economically feasible and will fulfill our water needs into the future.
3. There is a commitment of six years to serve on this board, and it is an uncompensated position. How much time are you able to allocate per month to this position?
Board meetings, including committee meetings, are generally two days a month. In addition to this time, I will dedicate many hours to reviewing content. I pledge to be well-informed on the issues presented to the board to ensure my vote benefits rate and tax payers.
4. This position deals with contracts, bonds creation and implementation, and levying taxes. What are your credentials that will allow you to take on this duty?
Although new to water policy, in this capacity, the responsibilities of the board are not completely unfamiliar. As an educator, my profession is multifaceted. One such facet is working with contracts, by following the rigorous process to purchase materials and ensure commitments are satisfied. This includes working within the confines of Arizona Revised Statues and the boundaries outlined by the Arizona Constitution.
5. Please feel free to add any additional information you would like voters to know about your candidacy.
My running mates and I would consider it a privilege to represent you and all the taxpayers of Maricopa through this current water crisis while planning for future generations of Arizonans. Vote Neese, Monize, Seago and Lundgren for CAWCD Board on November 8th. https://www.capwaterboard.com/