Central Arizona Water Conservation District Candidate Surveys & Debate
EZAZ.org provides voter education and does not endorse candidates.
EZAZ.org had an amazing time hosting a Central Arizona Water Conservation District Candidate Debate on October 30, 2022! Nine of the Fourteen candidates were able to join us. Those in attendance were Ylenia Aguilar, Alexandra Arboleda, Lisa Bullington, Alan Dulaney, Cory Mishkin, Amanda Monize, Donovan Neese, Karen Peters, and Barbara Seago. Those unable to attend were Shelby Duplessis, Benjamin Graff, Jason Lundgren, Jim Pederson, Daniel Cirignani Wood.
We asked the candidates the hard questions! Listed below are the timestamps and questions of the debate:
00:00 Debate Rules
01:17 Candidate Intros
11:23 Question 1: Do you support CAWCD tax rates at the max? Increasing the tax rates?
22:02 Question 2: How can CAP best encourage water conservation?
32:16 Question 3: What is an example of a conflict of interest if elected for CAWCD?
40:52 Question 4: Is CAP's energy usage justified? Solutions for sustainable energy use.
50:16 Question 5: Each CAWCD Candidate asks another Candidate a question.
01:18:08 Closing Remarks
Questions in their entirety:
Question 1. The federal government is owed $2b for the construction of Central Arizona Project [CAP]. Arizona has paid back half. The CAWCD tax is for the Central Arizona Water Conservation District which is the entity that governs the Central Arizona Project. The intention of the tax is to repay the federal government for construction of the CAP canal.
CAWCD has the ability to levy a property tax. The maximum rates are set at 10 cents and 4 cents per $100 assessed property value. Currently, both rates are set at the maximum possible level. In your opnion, is this justified? Do you support the legislature increasing the tax rates? Please explain.
Question 2. We are currently in a Tier 1 water shortage, which requires Arizona, Nevada and Mexico to cut back water use. Recently, the federal government ordered an additional 20% water reduction to Arizona. CAWCD cannot implement policy.
How can CAP best encourage the municipalities to conserve water? What, in your mind, is the best way to encourage conservative water use by the residents of Arizona?
Question 3. State law dictates that one must recuse him or herself when a conflict of interest may be present. What would be a conflict of interest for you if you are elected to CAWCD?
Question 4. As the state's largest power consumer, do you feel that the use of this much energy is justified? What are your solutions for sustainable energy use by CAP?
Question 5. Candidates allowed to ask other candidate a question. A candidate may be asked more than one question by multiple candidates. A question may not be asked during an answer if the candidate answering the question has already asked a question. If a candidate who is answering a question uses their time to ask a question, they will be giving up their ability to ask another question. For time allotment, a rebuttal shall not occur just by mention of a name. There are 30 second rebuttals if something negative or accusation is stated about another candidate. If a rebuttal occurs, there is to not be a question during the rebuttal.
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