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Our Story

Building Strong Communities

In 2020, Merissa Hamilton met Lisa and Carisa when she decided to run for Phoenix Mayor after many community members and small business owners asked for her help navigating through the pandemic with little direction from locally elected officials. Violent crime was increasing in neighborhoods, and thousands of small business owners were forced to shut down permanently without any relief. 

Lisa served as the Event's Director, and Carisa came on board as a leader of the field team effort for the Merissa Hamilton for Phoenix Mayor campaign. After knocking on tens of thousands of doors, it became evident that voters found it a challenge to stay informed with what their local government was doing.


Even worse, many local government organizations like school boards completely shut down their public comment functions. With nowhere to turn and not being equipped with a positive means to actively have their voice heard, riots sprung up around the City. 

Lisa, Carisa, and Merissa were shocked and dismayed by how the community atmosphere seemed to be crumbling with people increasingly frustrated. Lisa sought a solution by teaching people how to become active in the Arizona Legislature public comment tool called Request to Speak. After putting out a notice on social media, over a hundred people signed up for help in about an hour. It was clear creating an easy way to get voters engaged in a positive way was needed more than ever. With that, was born! 

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Have you ever been upset about a new law and wish you could have stopped it? Or maybe you want to get a little more active in your community and don't know where to begin?


That's why we started We are here to make Civic Action easy as pie!!!


EZAZ.ORG, a project under Strong Communities Action, a non-partisan pending C4 organization, is focused on education to make civic participation easy and accessible for all Americans. 


Our mission is to ensure every voice that wants to be heard by their local leaders is educated, equipped, and empowered to be successful in driving their personal policy goals, AND WE MAKE IT EASY.


🥧In our first month, over 3,000 new members have subscribed!🥧


Our first project phase includes offering easy public comment access to the Arizona Legislature Request to Speak system, including training, bill education, and weekly newsletter resources to stay informed with urgent issues. 


Future training will include topics on how to be an effective precinct committeeperson, how to be effective in your advocacy, and how to run for office. We currently have PC forms with instructions at 


We are also excited to offer community neighborhood events to engage neighbors who would like to stay informed but are generally not civically engaged. Events could include movies, live music, and storybook hours accompanied with OMG! Kettle Corn, cotton candy, and lemonade. Talk to us about your community.


Subscribe today, and don't forget to sign up for the AZ RTS system to make your voice heard.


If you like what you see, please consider joining our supporter community by making a small investment or even joining our Monthly Pie Club 🥧❤. 

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